Electrical equipment

Sort the electrical equipment at a waste reception station, mobile Roinaralli collection points or shops selling electrical equipment.

  • household appliances, devices and tools of all sizes that operate on mains power or batteries
  • energy-saving lights, fluorescent tubes, LED lamps

Waste reception services for households:
Lamps and electric and battery-powered household appliances and devices of any size can be taken to collection points.

If you are taking a larger number of items, for example for a housing company, you should notify the collection point about the delivery in advance. All the devices must be consumer products, i.e. machines that have been in use in households.

What happens to electrical equipments after sorting?

Electrical devices are dismantled, and metals, plastics and glass are separated for reuse. Several electrical and electronic devices contain materials classified as hazardous waste. Electrical equipment producer organisations are responsible for organising the collection and recycling of such equipment.

Batteries and small accumulators are crushed and materials that are suitable for reuse and energy production are separated in a specialised plant.

Find the nearest collection point