Hazardous waste
Sort hazardous waste at a waste reception station, special collection points for hazardous waste or mobile Roinaralli collection points.
- paints, glue, varnishes, solvents, acids
- oils, waste contaminated with oil, vehicle liquids and lead acid batteries
- chemicals with a warning sign
- cosmetics classified as hazardous waste, such as nail varnish, perfumes and aftershave
- plant-protecting agents and pesticides
- batteries and small accumulators should be taken to a collection point with their poles covered with adhesive
- medicines and mercury thermometers should be returned to a pharmacy
Hazardous waste includes any waste that is hazardous or harmful to the environment or health because of its chemical or other properties.
- Accepted free of charge at waste stations. Households may bring 50 kg or 50 litres of waste per year free of charge to the waste reception points.
- Must never be placed in the property’s waste bins
- Batteries and small accumulators should be returned to the shop
What happens to hazardous waste after sorting?
Hazardous waste is recycled for reuse, utilised as energy or disposed of by incinerating. Some of the material can processed to produce raw material for industry. For example, lubricants are utilised as a raw material for new products, while solid oil waste is incinerated in an incinerator for hazardous waste.