Metal packaging

Sort metal packaging in the property’s bin for metal packaging or at a Rinki eco-point.


Materials must be empty and dry.

Metal packaging

  • Tins
  • Non-deposit beverage cans
  • Metal lids, caps and closures
  • Aluminium trays, foil and covers
  • Paint tins
  • Non-pressurised aerosol cans
  • Metal coffee capsules

Small metal household items

  • Pots and pans
  • Cutlery, scissors and tools
  • Other small metal objects (nails, screws, fittings, etc.)
  • Aluminium tea light cups


  • Plastic: e.g. plastic bags and wrappings, polystyrene, bubble wrap
  • Packaging or items which are too big to fit must be taken to a municipal take-back point

Refundable drinks cans may be returned to shop collection points.
Deliver bulky waste metal to a waste reception station or a Roinaralli collection point.

What happens to metal after sorting?

Waste from steel and aluminium packaging is utilised as a raw material by the Finnish and international metal industries. Recycled metal is used to manufacture new metal packaging and other metal products, such as bicycle frames, spades and car parts. Since the quality of metal does not deteriorate when it is recycled, it can be reused numerous times.

Find the nearest collection point