Collection intervals

Waste bins at properties with property-specific waste collection must be emptied at regular intervals to prevent odours or other harm, for example, being caused to the waste collection company. The maximum intervals are as follows:

  • mixed waste, if the property has a separate bin for biowaste or if biowaste (food waste) is composted: 16 weeks
  • mixed waste, if there is no composting on the property or there is no separate collection for biowaste: 4 weeks
  • biowaste on properties with fewer than 5 households: 2 weeks (summer period 1 May–31 August), 4 weeks (winter period 1 September–30 April)
  • biowaste on properties with 5 or more households: 2 weeks
  • biowaste if it is collected in a ventilated waste container, if the waste is stored in a container with a mechanical cooling system or if the container is located partly underground: 4 weeks
  • carton packaging24 weeks
  • carton packaging on properties with at least 5 households in urban areas: 8 weeks
  • metal packaging: 24 weeks
  • glass packaging: 24 weeks
  • plastic packaging: 24 weeks
  • plastic packacing on properties with at least 5 households in urban areas: 8 weeks

Prolonging the collection interval of mixed waste

If you want your mixed waste collected at an interval of longer than 16 weeks, you must submit an application to the Lahti Region Waste Management Authority in writing at