Terminating waste collection services for a fixed term
Collection of waste from a property-specific bin (home collection) or a shared bin may be interrupted for a fixed period if the property is not used. In this case, the bin must remain empty while waste is not collected.
The customer service of the waste collection company must be notified of interruptions to the collection of waste from a property-specific bin or a shared container that last less than a year.
Notifications of interruptions that last less than a year must be made no less than seven (7) working days before the beginning of the interruption, and the interruption may not be shorter than a week.
If the interruption to waste collection from a property-specific bin lasts for a year or longer, a written application must be submitted to the Lahti region’s waste management authority.
Applications and notifications can be submitted in writing at lahti.fi/jatehuoltoviranomainen.