Regional collection point charge

Regional collection points are located in Artjärvi in Orimattila, Kärkölä and sparsely populated area in Heinola. Regional collection points are only available in areas where Salpakierto is responsible for arranging waste collection.

You can only use a regional collection point if there is no road to your property or the property’s waste container or the road cannot bear the weight of the collection vehicle or if there´s no possibility to join or to formulate a shared waste container. You can join the regional collection point service by contacting Salpakierto’s customer service.

The regional collection point charge is household-specific. The party who is in the possession of the property at the moment of the invoicing of the payment is liable for the charge. The regional collection point charge is set for one calendar year at a time. The charge is defined on the basis of the actual use of the building, either as a regional collection point charge for a building in permanent residential use or a holiday home.

The charge only pertains to a single residential property if the person is in the possession of

  • several flats in the same building, or
  • several residential buildings that form a functional unit or are located on the same plot.

A person in possession of a residential property may submit an application in writing for reduction of the charge to the Lahti Region Waste Management Authority pursuant to section 19, if

  • the regional collection point is not within easy reach or
  • the residential property is not in use as a permanent residence or holiday home.

Pay any invoice you receive by the due date even if you have applied for exemption or reduction.

Applications for changes must be submitted in writing to the Lahti Region Waste Management Authority at using the appropriate form.

See the rates of regional collection point charges (in Finnish).