Rinki eco-points
Packaging producers are responsible for collecting household packaging materials for recycling. Packaging waste can be disposed of at Rinki eco-take-back-points, managed by Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd.
All Rinki eco-points accept cardboard, glass and metal packaging, and some collection points also accept plastic packaging. At most of the collection points, you can also recycle paper, clothes in decent condition and household textiles.
Operating area of Salpakierto Ltd has about 60 Rinki eco-points. Typically, they are located close to shops, making it easy to recycle packaging while doing shopping.
You can find the collection point locations at kierrätys.info or at rinkiin.fi.
In addition, all waste reception stations accept cardboard and glass packaging as well as metals. At the waste reception station, plastic packagings are sorted into energy waste, for which a fee is charged.
Read more about how to sort packaging materials